woensdag 22 juni 2011

Registry Mechanic

Registry Mechanic is meer en meer populair en erkend in Nederland als de registry cleaner voor het opschonen van het register. In de Verenigde Staten is het al een klassieker en is in feite de meest gebruikte registry cleaner door verstandige computer gebruikers. Helaas zijn er vele slechte registry cleaners in omloop die indirect de reputatie en het nut van een registry cleaner ondermijnen aangezien deze fake cleaners in feite niks doen op de computer. Het ontwikkelen van een registry cleaner is dan ook helemaal niet makkelijk en vraagt om veel expertise. PC tools, de maker van Registry Mechanic en een onderdeel van de beroemde Symantec cooperation heeft deze expertise en toont keer op keer aan dat je de computer daadwerkelijk kunt repareren met een goed stukje software. Lees hier meer over Registry Mechanic: REGISTRY MECHANIC.

dinsdag 14 juni 2011

PC opschonen blog

PC Opschonen is een populair onderwerp in Nederland en als woord heeft het dan ook veel aandacht gekregen in verschillende PC utility blogs. Een opvallende verschijning is PC Opschonen een blogvan.nl. Deze biedt een persoonlijke touch over dit onderwerp en gaat er heel informeel mee om. Leuk om te lezen, vooral het artikel over register opschonen.

woensdag 8 juni 2011

Computer Slow?

A slow computer is the result of a combination of factors. Al these factors are accumulations of our neglect of our most important asset in modern times: our computer. We spend money and time to repair and clean our car. A car needs to maintained, if we would not do this we would jeopardize our safety and ruin our car. The same applies to our computer. We have to take care of it. If we have a slow computer, there are some factors that caused this and these have been elaborated by Computer Opschonen Advies in a great post of them called Computer Traag, that's Dutch for Computer Slow. Read here the full article: Computer Traag 

dinsdag 7 juni 2011

Register Cleaner Advies

Deze post van Register Opschonen geeft een mooi overzicht van kenmerken waaraan een register cleaner aan moet voldoen.Een goed initiatief om heel goed het koren van het kaf te scheiden in deze rommelige markt van utility software en scamware. Register Cleaner.

Registry Cleaner Scams

Yes, it would not surprise you to know that the internet is also a dangerous place where thieves try to fool you in order to get your money. One of these method is producing scam ware and as such we have besides from fake and malicious virus scanners also registry cleaner scams. RCN has written an article on this matter. Registry Cleaning could be potential disastrous for your computer. If you would like to clean the registry I would recommend you to read the following article: Registry Cleaner Scam. A concrete example of a scam is ErrorFix.

vrijdag 3 juni 2011

Rogue antivirus problem

One of the most recent threat online is that of rogue antivirus. Since 2008 this piece of malicious software has on the rice by means of vicious distribution networks of all kinds of fraud antivirus software variations and names. It is important to create awareness on this growing problem because these traps have been set up well and it is easy to get fooled online by fraudsters and online criminals. ComputerOpschonen.com has a good article in Dutch on this matter and denounces this growing problem: Rogue antivirus Software.

donderdag 2 juni 2011

Why invest money in antivirus?

Quite a controversial topic. There are a lot of sources that say that free antivirus software is good enough and there is only a relative difference with regards to functionality and features. Nevertheless, a closer look is that these missing features and functionality have an effect on security as shown in a previous article of ComputerOpschonen on gratis virusscanner. The following blog comes in with an other angle on this issue. The angle of why in effect it is reasonable to pay for antivirus software. It takes the perspective of the developers in stead of the developers. You can read the article here: why buy antivirus software.

German PC Blog to check out!

We spotted an interesting PC blog in Germany: PC AUFRAUMEN. Epeckers is always on the look out of small niche PC Blogs in order to track their development and see how they grow within the complex landscape of PC utility related blogs and websites.

woensdag 1 juni 2011


A new review is published by ComputerOpschonen.com. ComputerOpschonen is a very respectable blog these days on virusscanners and other IT-security related issues. This time they reviewed the famous Dutch antivirus software product HitmanPro with advanced malware behavior analysis technology. Read here the complete review: HitmanPro

Computer Opschonen = Computer Cleaning

Computer Cleaning (computer opschonen) is a popular buzz world in the Netherlands. In itself the term does not say much and only gives us an idea that we need to clean our computer from dust. Nevertheless the concept does not relate to the physical pollution of the computer but rather the digital population of its core components. This is quite difficult to imagine so that's why computer opschonen is a good term that gives us this picture of computer cleaning more clearly. In this respect, the notion refers to computer maintenance tasks we should do in order to keep our computer in shape. Therefore a lot has written on this matter in Holland and a new blog that provides the consumers excellent information on this is pcsnellermaken.nl. You can read one of their articles here: Computer Opschonen.

Complexity of a Virusscanner

A virusscanner is a complex piece of software. Many people tend to ignore this and believe everything is obtainable for free on the internet. It is good that ComputerOpschonen.com debunks this myth and tries to explain what is involved in developping a virusscanner and why it is reasonable to expect to pay for one and why it is important to buy a virusscanner. Read more here: virusscanner .